Project results


We bring to the educational market
user-friendly description of generations Baby Boomers, X, Y, Z behavior in work teams
tailored development program for each of the generations
innovative methods of communication and cooperation of generations in work teams
online platform, including best practice and digital tools
higher sensitivity of generations to positive values and attitudes of other generations on the job
effective exchange of experience and know-how between generations in work teams
Project result 1
Analysis of the target group

The main result is the knowledge of the needs not only of the target group, but also the employers (the needs of the labour market) and the description, best practices, case studies of the topic of intergenerational cooperation in EU and our national environments. We have already known the needs of the target groups, employers and the current state what works best in our national environments. The particular steps of the analysis were:

1. Desk research in each partner country finding out the current data in intergenerational context
2. Benchmarking report comparing the needs from partner country
3. Online survey with HR experts focused on the needs of the labour market
4. Focus groups with HR experts focused on deeper discussion on the needs of generations
5. Interviews with the members of generations finding out the specific needs and attitudes of all generations
6. Across GENerations Curriculum

Benchmarking report Benchmarking Summary AcrossGEN Curriculum
Project result 2
Methodology GENerations X/Y/Z

Based on the analysis, the values and needs of each generation are specifically described. The description is focused on the behavior of generations at workplace. We described the strengths and positive values of generations as well as weaknesses and challenges. The description of each generation is based on the development program scenario for each generation. The development programs include topics and training methods, specific for each generation. In order to enable an effective dialogue between generations, our objective was to create a tool for intergenerational interaction. This tool is making possible to share experiences and communicate about the key values between generations.
The main result is a comprehensive innovative approach to the effective development of employees of generations Baby Boomers, X, Y and Z. It has 4 components:

1. Description of the attitudes, values, habits, specific development needs GEN Baby Boomers, X, Y and Z
2. Development programs for each generation
3. Tool for sharing experience and values across gens
4. Train the trainer methodology
All 4 parts of the approach are characterized by simple and user-friendly language and practical applicability in the development of people of different generations in their work environment.

Best practices GEN Descriptions Development programs Mentoring Workshop Train the trainer
Project result 3
AcrossGEN learning experience platform

We created AcrossGEN online learning platform focused on the transfer of the learning content to the online environment with the use of the digital tools. Digital tools and methods increase the attractiveness and interactivity of the study and make the whole methodology amazing and effective for all potential users.

1. Analysis of needs Across GENerations - national reports, benchmarking report, conclusions
2. Across GENeration Curriculum - syllabus
3. Complete methodologies for generations Baby Boomers/X/Y/Z in the format of e-books
4. Complete methodology for intergenerational cooperation - in the format of syllabus and e-book
5. MOOC with the learning content and validation of the skills
6. Interview videos with the members of all generations and partner countries
7. Microlearning - short videos concerning the best practices and mentoring

Open - Platform

N° 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000088852

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.