

Start of the project!


If you would like to know more about AcrossGEN project, visit sections - About or Project results.

Kick off meeting Prague, CZE

18. - 19.10.2022

The first transnational meeting of the AcrossGEN project was held in Prague. The project team spent amazing time together with starting of the project activities and also informal evening during the dinner. The meeting in a nutshell: Introduction of partners, project presentations and list of tasks for all partners!

Analysis of the target group

Just after meeting we have started to work on the Analysis and prepare the template for the desk research and online survey with the HR experts to find out the actual educational needs of othe employers. The leading partner of result is Spanish partner which has a strong connection the the educational know-how and realization of the analysis. The first outputs from analysis (survey and desk research) will be available in March 2023. The focus groups and interviews will be following.

Completion of WP2 - AcrossGEN curriculum

During the first project phase, we conducted desk research to collect information about intergenerational cooperation and best practices in partner countries. Then we conducted online surveys to collect insights from 40 HR experts on various aspects of intergenerational cooperation within the workplace. Diverse focus groups were organised with 49 professionals from multiple sectors to gather perspectives on intergenerational cooperation. Topics discussed included the benefits and challenges of collaboration across generations, necessary skills, learning programme content, session duration, effective information presentation, and suitable didactic methods. During May 2023, the consortium partners conducted a total of 36 interviews with individuals from the Baby Boomers (1950–1969), GenX (1970-1980), GenY (1981-1996), and Generation Z (1997-2010). A minimum of two interviewees represented each generational group.

The main output is the benchmarking report, which includes comparisons from partner countries and collected data from all realised activities. You can download the complete benchmarking report or the shorter summary with conclusions.

AcrossGEN curriculum

We will develop a modular educational programme for all generations, including the specified topics from the analysis. You can download the complete AcrossGEN curriculum. We are just starting to work on the learning content and related outputs:

1. Description of 4 generations (Baby Boomers, Generation X, Y and Z), including the introductions (attitudes, values and motivation), personal area (self-regulation, wellbeing, behaviour), social area (flexibility/changes, communication, teamwork) and learn to learn area (growth mindset, critical thinking, managing of learning).

2. Development programs with at least 10 units for all generations using the MOOC tool.

3. Tools for sharing experiences across generations: syllabus of intergenerational workshop and mentoring methodology.

4. Train the trainer handout for adult educators to support intergenerational cooperation.

The above-mentioned outputs should be completed in March or April 2024.

2nd meeting in Lecce

The second partner meeting was held in Lecce on the 27th and 28th of June. We have discussed the completion of the first work package of analysis and start with the preparation of learning content supporting intergenerational cooperation, dissemination activities and other issues related to project and quality management. The hosting partner EduVita created a delightful atmosphere for us all and arranged a great city tour around the charming Lecce. During shared dinner, we also had a chance to discuss informally and make networking activities.

World Café

Between May and July we have realized the first multiplier events World Café to present the project and realized or planned activities. We have reached a total of 40 participants and obtained exciting recommendations for next project running.

Completion of generation descriptions

During the workpackage AcrossGEN methodology we have developed the description of 4 generations: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Y and Z. You can find out the following areas concerning description of all mentioned generations:

1. General description with typical attitudes, values and motivation
2. Personal area - with a description of self-regulation, well-being and behaviour
3. Social area describing the flexibility, communication and ability for teamwork
4. Learn to Learn area explaing the growth mindset, critical thinking and managing of learning.

Descriptions of gens are available in English, Spanish, Italien, French and Czech HERE.

Best practices

We have prepared examples of best practices concerning the intergenerational cooperation from all partner countries: Italy, Spain, Belgium and Czech Republic. You can inspire HERE.

Development programs

We are just finishing translating of the tailor-made development programs for 4 generations. The launch of the AcrossGEN learning platform with the learning texts in English, Spanish, Italien, French and Czech will be available in August 2024. Stay tuned!

Final meeting in Brussels

The final partner meeting was held in Brussels on the 4th and 5th of April 2024. We have discussed the learning content and technical environment of the xLearning platform. The other part of the discussion was organisation of the pilot test, dissemination activities and other project and quality management issues. The hosting partner EVTA created a delightful atmosphere for us and arranged a great city tour around the amazing Brussels. Great dinner in the city centre brought not only excellent meals and beers, but also great non formal discussion with partners.

Pilot test

The pilot test of AcrossGEN methodology is planned for August and September 2024. If you are interested to be involved in pilot test, contact our partner in your country HERE.

Cooperation methodology

We have developed the one day workshop with activities supporting intregenerational cooperation and communication. The otahre part ou AcrossGEN methodology is also mentoring hadnout, where you can find the useful tips for effective mentoring AcrossGENerations. We are just working on the translations of both documents to Spanish, Italien, French and Czech.

AcrossGEN xLearning platform

The part of the AcrossGEN xLearning platform will be not only development programs for each generation, but also 4 microlearning videos specifying 4 generations and also 32 interviews with the members of each generation. You will find the answers to questions such as motivation to work, remote work, use of digital tools, benefits of employers, work stress etc. The launch of the platform will be in August 2024!

Postponing of the project

The partners agreed that the project will be postponed until the end of October 2024.

Pilot test of the platform

The pilot test of the AcrossGEN platform was realised during September and October 2024 and we have involved 80 participants. Each partner tested the materials of one generation. We asked the participants the completion of the evaluation questionnaire after the pilot test and we received 73 replies (91% return rate of questionnaires) with a very good evaluation (over 50% of participants evaluated the platform as "Excellent" and 40% of participants as "Rather good"). We have received more formal comments from the participants, which were elaborated on the platform. We have involved 33 trainers or teachers and all confirmed that they want to use the AcrossGEN methodology as the didactic tool for their students.

National conferences

We have realized the national conferences in our countries and we involved almost 160 participants. The participants were interested in AcrossGEN methodology and the evaluation was very good. We have realized online survey concerning the event evalation and received over 100 answers with very good evaluation of all workshops and conferences.

AcrossGEN xLearning platform

The AcrossGEN platform is ready to use for everyone who is interested in the intergenerational support and coopreation. You can go to and you can choose English, Italien, Spanish, French or Czech version. The registration is necessary (only email) to have the full access to the whole learning content.

AcrossGEN videos

We have created YouTube channel to share the microlearning videos introducing 4 generations: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (Millenials) and Generation Z. You can also find here 32 interviews with the members of all 4 generations from 4 partner countries. You can choose the subtitles in English, Italien, Spanish, French and Czech. Go for inspiration to

Train the trainer handout

How to work with our methodology? You can look at the train the trainer handout and you can find there some tips for teaching approach or individual learning. Traion the trainer hadnout is available HERE.

N° 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000088852

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.